Aug 22, 2009

The Dirty Thirty Challenge

I came across The Dirty Thirty Challenge on the Long Hair Care Forum (LHCF). I love that it combines disciplining yourself to acheive goals for both your hair and weight. This is challenge was created by music-bnatural-smile. I know I could be successful at this challenge because I do well under scenarios where rewards can be earned for good behavior. This challenge would give me tangible ways to "keep my eyes on the prize" so to speak.

*Epiphany*!!!!- I could add in a shopping rule. I am a chronic shopper, often buying things I do need or can't really afford. While I have improved my spending habits over the past 6 months, I still struggle with overspending. One of my goals is to decrease my debt by half by the end of the year.

Here are the rules:

  1. Pick a protective style .
  2. Pick an amount of days you will workout before you heat style/relax your hair again.
  3. Identify your hair growth goal and your health goal whether it be inches lost, weight gain, weight loss, arm jiggle loss... whatever... I will be doing this until I lose 30 lbs
  4. You may co-wash, DC, or whatever it is that you regularly do with your hair, but NO HEAT!!!!
  5. Your ends must be protected for most of the day.
  6. Each work out must be at least 30 mins. long to count!!!
  7. Try not to be weight obsessed, the goal here is to get healthy.
  8. Try to eat healthier! Working out is no good without a healthy diet!
  9. You must still find a way to be your beautiful self! No slum-doggin it to work for this challenge! Protective styling can be beautiful!
  10. Post your goals for this challenge and your progress! Every week I'll do a roll call!
  11. Anyone can join at any time... I'm not gonna close this one... Heck I doubt anyone will even join LOL.
  12. Extra Rule for Monica....I am allowed two shopping passes per month for non-necessities (make-up, eating out, clothing) for which I have a $50 limit.
In case there is confusion... you do your 30 (or whatever amount) workouts, then you are allowed to heat style/ relax. That is one cycle... Then you keep going til you reach your goal!

I will be posting my actual plans for the challenge in the coming days. My only problem is that my birthday is coming up (September 4th!) and I definitely plan to straighten my hair for the occasion. I will start the 30 day cycle over after that date to keep myself accountable to the challenge. Is anyone else on a hair care, weight loss, or self-improvement journey?

Be Encouraged!!!

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