Aug 25, 2009

Dirty Thirty Challenge Details

Here are the details I have set for myself for the Dirty Thirty Challenge.

· Pick a protective style Twist outs, bantu knots, buns

· Pick an amount of days you will workout I will be doing 30 days (not consecutive).

· Identify your hair growth goal and your health goal I will do this challenge until I lose 50 lbs. I need to lose my arm/leg jiggle and love handles. I would like to achieve shoulder length with my hair.

· I already use No-Heat methods, but I’m struggling with what to do with my hair for my birthday.

· Your ends must be protected for most of the day. I can make a really small bun, but I think that puts stress on my hair. I have not experimented with pinning up my twists yet, but I am willing to try. When at home, I will bag.

· Each work out must be at least 30 mins. long to count!!! I will combine my at home work-out DVDs (Biggest Loser) with going to the gym. I’ve had a problem in the past with getting bored with my workouts, so I’m going to mix it up. I plan to weigh-in every other week so that I can track my progress.

· Try not to be weight obsessed, the goal here is to get healthy. I will concentrate on how my body feels.

· Try to eat healthier! I will limit the intake of bread and potatoes because they cause my blood sugar to skyrocket! I will mostly eat food that it grown rather than manufactured.

· You must still find a way to be your beautiful self! No slum-dogging it to work for this challenge! Protective styling can be beautiful! I am falling more and more in love everyday with my natural hair. Transitioning is natural but it will be well worth it!

· I am adding this for myself…Extra Rule for Monica....I am allowed two shopping passes per month for non-necessities (make-up, eating out, clothing) for which I have a $50 limit. ( I need more financial discipline).

I need all the help and support I can get with this. I’ve tried to lead a healthier lifestyle so many times in the past, but have failed. Although within the past 6 months, I have started to eat healthier and exercise occasionally, I have not made that critical lifestyle change. Although I am extremely busy, I need to look at exercising as another job. I also need to change my negative paradigm towards exercise. I know this will take time, but it will happen.

Be Encouraged Beauties!!

"But Those Who Wait On The Lord Shall Renew Their Strength." Isaiah 40:31

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